
Today’s children and young people are growing up in an increasingly complex world , where relationships develop in real time as well as online. This presents many positive and exciting opportunities, but also challenges and risks. In this environment, children and young people need to know how to be safe and healthy, and how to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way. We want our pupils to be prepared, in the widest sense, for adult life and the challenges they may face.


Equal Opportunities

RSE is provided for all children at an appropriate level. Teaching is sensitively planned and will have due regard to their age, ability, readiness and those with English as an additional language. It is an integral part of the lifelong learning process, beginning in early childhood and continue into adult life. We promote diversity and inclusion, so teaching is sensitive to the protected characteristics: age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity.

Students with Special Needs: We ensure RSE is inclusive and meets the needs of all our pupils, including those with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND). We do this by ensuring lessons are tailored to meet the developmental needs of all pupils.

Ethnic and Cultural Groups: We intend our policy to be sensitive to the needs of different ethnic groups. For some young people it is not culturally appropriate for them to be taught particular items in mixed groups. We will respond to parental requests and concerns.

Sexual Identity and Sexual Orientation: We aim to deal sensitively and honesty with issues of sexual orientation, answer appropriate questions and offer support.


Health and safety

Health and safety good practice will be followed at all times in RSE lessons. Further information can be found in the health and safety policy.




RSE Curriculum Planning

At Widewell Primary Academy, RSE is provided through the Personal, Social and Health Education & Citizenship Framework. The curriculum for R&SE is planned to ensure pupils receive their sex education in the wider context of relationships, and are prepared for the opportunities, responsibilities and experience of adult life. We believe that the teaching of sex education should be complementary and supportive to the role of parents, and should have regard to parents’ views on its content and presentation. Our R&SE programme is designed to meet DFE guidance and is set within the context of the National Healthy School Programme (NHSP) to ensure effective provision. For Year 6 pupils Sex Education is provided by class teachers with the support of health professionals in a way that encourages pupils to consider morals and the value of family life.

 Teaching and Learning

 Through a carefully planned programme, supported by all who work in or with the school, we want children to leave Widewell Primary Academy able to:


• Think critically

• Express opinions confidently

• Be self-reliant

• Be self-motivated

• Be self-disciplined

• Take responsibility

• Make choices within a moral context

• Have clear values and attitudes

• Be able to co-operate with others

• Make and sustain good relationships

• Have a healthy lifestyle

• Be safe

• Understand and be able to articulate British Values


RSE is taught by the class teacher. It is taught weekly and discretely. However, application of skills is also linked across the curriculum. 





This section details the assessment methods and practices used in RSE through which we ensure that children are making appropriate progress and that the activities they take part in are suitably matched to their ability and level of development.

Teachers regularly reflect on their teaching and on the impact on children’s learning during their planning, preparation and assessment time (PPA and during In School Staff Educational Training (INSET), where our approach to teaching will be evaluated and skills and knowledge built upon.

Children will be assessed against the National Curriculum objectives.