What will happen after the DSL has been informed?

  1. The DSL or DDSL will discuss your concerns with you and make a record of them. No further action may be taken at this time. The record will be kept on file by the DSL in case future concerns arise.
  2. The DSL or DDSL may discuss your concerns and then consult an outside agency such as the School Nurse, Educational Welfare, Social Services or parents. The advice given will be acted upon.
  3. After consulting with outside agencies, a meeting may be called so that all interested parties (including parents) can attend and look for ways to support the child. Your observations/concerns may be included in the documentation for this meeting.
  4. In some cases, the child protection issue may be serious enough to mean that the DSL or DDSL will make a referral to Social Services, the Police or another agency, to ensure that the child is safe.